Virtual List By React2019-08-22Θ
react-virtualized 源码#
- It is inefficient to create and manage a large list of DOM elements within a scrolling container if only a few of those elements are visible. The primary purpose of this component is to improve performance by only rendering the DOM nodes that a user is able to see based on their current scroll position. This component renders a virtualized list of elements with either fixed or dynamic heights.
少数元素可见,在滚动过程中创建并管理大量 DOM
元素会影响效率(inefficient)。组件目的在于用户能够根据当前滚动位置查看 DOM
onScroll 滚动监听 => 计算确定 data 中需要渲染数据的起始、结束位置 attachItems 渲染元素 rowRenderer